Kenwood Farms and the Lunchbox Llc is locally owned and operated by our family here in Duluth MN right next to you, our neighbors. Family is so important to us and we bring our joy of family and togetherness to you through our products and services. We take pride in our products and services and strive for 100% customer satisfaction.
You may have seen our mascot 'Bigfoot' on Fox 21, KBJR, at the DECC, or seen him at several local events. Adorable and sweet natured, our Bigfoot loves selfies with you. If you get a pic , tag us #kenwoodfarms to share the joy. Bigfoot is the ultimate Hide and seek champion and as such , can provide for themselves. We take note of this and feel he is a great preservationist and example to follow. Canning, freeze drying, dehydrating, and so much more is a great skill handed down from generation to generation and now, thanks to so many tik tok threads, it's viral! Who hasn't seen a tik tok of freeze drying candy!?
At our farm, we do not spray or use pesticides. Natural ways of pest control are used to ensure food quality. We get our hands dirty and pull weeds and share a few 'dad jokes' in the garden as we tend to the garden the old fashioned way. You can rest easy knowing your food is safe and healthy.
We are a big family. A few of the children have grown up and started their own adventures but still participate in our farm. Each child has their own special contribution to our business. That is why we have such a diverse selection of services. Whether you have 3D print needs, canning, freeze drying, shirt printing needs, or hunting preparations, we have you covered.
We have been told by many that we are inspirational. Thanks! We couldn't have done it without you.
Ever growing and exploritive, our business is excited about the new things we are going to offer to you next. You're going to have to follow us on facebook, tik tok or instagram to see what is next. We promise- It's worth a look!